The Book Club had a second opportunity to read to the kindergartners at PSE! A great time was had by all!! 📚 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

WAY TO GO, SMS!! 📚 Thanks to all who participated in SMS Read Across America Book Drive and Spirit Week! Due to your generosity, SMS donated 75 books to Progress South Elementary School's library. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! 💃🕺 Grab your ticket and a friend for the Spring Fling Dance! If you forgot your money, please pick up a permission form during lunch and bring it back tonight with $5 ! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Middle School Preview Night was a success! We loved meeting our future Mustangs and teaching them all about South Middle. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Friendly reminder that tonight is the South Middle School Preview Night from 6:00pm - 7:15pm. We are looking forward to meeting your rising sixth grader!! 🍎📚✏️#ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Congratulations to the Badminton tournament winners!

Today, March 5th is an EARLY RELEASE DAY! SMS will dismiss at 11:50. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Book Club & Courtesy and Respect Club went to PSE to read to Kindergartners! A great time was had by all! 📚 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Friendly Reminder!! Wednesday, March 5th is an EARLY RELEASE DAY! SMS will be dismissed at 11:50! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Monday, 3/3, is the last day to PRE-PAY for Kona Days on 3/5!! You can pre-pay through the QR code in the flyer or visit: https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K6815417164 The pre-pay window is open until 10pm March 3rd. 🍧#ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Dr. Seuss' Birthday Spirit Week 2025: Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7. See flyer for details!
📚 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

SAVE THE DATE for the Spring Fling Dance on Friday, March 7th 6:30-8pm! Tickets are $5 each sold only at lunch! Tickets go on sale Wednesday, February 26th. Food will be available for purchase as well as games to play! 💃🪩🕺#ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

2024-2025 Calendar Update: New last day of school for SMS is Friday, May 30th! It will be an Early Release Day. Dismissal is 11:50. Posted: 2/24/2025 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Welcome South Middle's new 7th Grade Assistant Principal for next school year, Mrs. Claybon!! We are looking forward to her joining the SMS Mustangs! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Kona Days is coming soon! Our next Kona Days event at SMS will be Wednesday, March 5th during lunches! You can pre-pay through the QR code in the flyer or visit: https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K6815417164 The pre-pay window is open until 10pm March 3rd. 🍧#ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

For SRO Appreciation Day, Art teacher Mr. Jennings and SMS Mustangs presented Officer Pollard with a personalized sketch! Thank you Officer Pollard for everything you do for South Middle School! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Wednesday, 2-19-2025 will be a traditional snow day in FZSD. There will be no school 2-19-2025 due to inclement weather and road conditions. Just a reminder, this means the day will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Again, 2-19-2025 will be a snow day in FZSD.

Update: All activities and facilities usage in Fort Zumwalt School District are canceled today, Feb. 18, 2025.

Tuesday, 2/18/2025 will be an AMI day. Grades 6 - 8 should log in to Canvas. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

Hello Fort Zumwalt. Today, 2-18-25, will be an AMI day in FZSD. Students grades 6 - 12 should log in to Canvas. Students grades Pre-K - 5 should complete AMI packet No. 5. Remember, AMI Days do not have to be made up. Get all you need to know at go.FZSD.us/AMIDays.