All-Star Bus Drivers ready for the first day of school! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

The new school year starts Monday, Aug. 19, 2024.
Important information about our new portal and portal app is in our Back To School Headquarters: go.FZSD.us/BackToSchool
Bus riders: Please remember the ride home takes a bit longer the first few days as everyone gets used to their new routine. Our principals and Transportation Department will send updates as needed. Families should have received a text to help you find your bus stop and pick-up time. The link is also posted as an announcement when you log in to the new portal.
Click Menu, then Dining on our school websites to see what's for breakfast and lunch. Be sure you use the pulldown to select Next Week.
See you Monday!

Thank you so much to the SMS families who provided breakfast for our Olympic All-Star Staff!! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

PLC training with our amazing teachers! Teachers are setting up their PLCs for success this year so they can continue to increase student learning. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang.

FZSD All-Star Staff Event at Car Shield Field! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang #FZjoy

One of our amazing 8th grade students, Kendall, shared some words of wisdom to the new educators in Fort Zumwalt. So proud of this girl!

We had another amazing registration day! It was so great seeing families! Shout out to the amazing staff members who helped make this day a success! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

New to Middle School math training has been a success today! Love hearing teachers talk about how to engage students in math learning and discourse. This is an amazing group of educators! #EquipToExcel

Registration day has been a success so far! It is great to see our Mustangs and staff. If you missed today, we also have registration on Aug. 6! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

It has been amazing seeing staff come in and prepare for the upcoming school year. Blessed to be on the best team with the most dedicated people. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

In one week we'll bring you our Back To School Bash! Details on the community connections families can make at this event on our websites ... just click the Bash flyer!

We are looking forward to seeing our Mustangs on August 1st and August 6th for schedule pick up! Students will also get their school picture taken during this time.

It's here! Families should have received an email with details on creating your account in the new FZSD Family Portal app. (Please be sure to check your spam and junk folders before reaching out to your school about not receiving the email.) Annual Enrollment Update documents are available for you to complete so your family is ready for the first day of school Aug. 19. Thanks for your patience as we all grow together in this new system.

We had a great week of learning at our admin meetings! I am really looking forward to a great school year with the admin team. #ItsAGreatDayToAMustang

Parents can find a step-by-step to walk through account creation on the new FZSD Family Portal here: https://5il.co/2risu
Thank you for your patience as we launch this new tool.

Leader in Me 7 Habits training with SMS staff. So grateful to have all of these amazing humans come in over the summer for this incredible training. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang

SMS families, we hope you're having a wonderful summer! As we prepare for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, we invite you to check out the SMS supply list. Please remember that each school has its own unique list of required supplies. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jy80hT5nNMDkEblZS37JC2qklNXD1SVl_rnD11IQBic/edit

Dear Fort Zumwalt families,
We are glad to hear that you are excited about our new portal app.
Please be advised that testing has not been completed on our new system.
You will receive an email when the system is ready for you.
We want you to have the best user experience we can deliver and appreciate your patience as we go through the final phases of our migration.
Remember, you will receive an email when the system is ready for you. We advise you to wait until then to download the new app. Thank you for your patience.

Looking for supply lists before Prime Day? We've got you covered.
Not ready to think about the new school year yet? That's OK!
The Back To School Headquarters is live at go.FZSD.us/BackToSchool
and there for you when you are ready.
Get information on: Annual paperwork, Supplies. Student Nutrition. Transportation
and More!
Families should watch for an email regarding the launch of the new FZSD Family Portal by Focus School Software later this month.

Summer staff BBQ! Mr. Schwendeman continues to be the best at grilling pork steaks! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAMustang